A day in the life at an Auto Repair Shop!
Welcome to the shop! Outside we have a car that's getting just cleaned up and Quality Control checked.
Welcome to the shop! Outside we have a car that's getting just cleaned up and Quality Control checked.
What's the difference between dealerships and independent repair shops? Welcome to Mercie J, where compassion and craftsmanship come together, I'm Rick Smith. So first of all there are two different types of dealerships.
So this is a 2015 Camry and while they were driving there was a growling noise. For those of you who may be in snow country, it sounds more like you'd have studded tires or something like that, but a growling noise.
So most people are aware that frequently and regularly the oil and filter should be changed on the engine. Most people are also aware that regularly the tires should be rotated.
What causes your car to overheat? Welcome to Mercie J where compassion and craftsmanship come together, I'm Rick Smith. So first of all, let's understand how an engine gets cool.
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